Steps to Reach New Year’s Resolution Goals for Content Creation

Steps to Reach New Year's Resolution Goals for Content CreationPersonally, I’ve never really been a huge fan of the “New Year’s Resolution.” I’ve always figured that if you truly wanted to accomplish something in life, you’d go after it, regardless of the. However, I don’t want to completely knock the individuals that create a resolution that they wish to accomplish in the new year. But if that resolution remains solely that, a wish, then what is the purpose of truly having one? That’s top of mind when thinking about content creation goals for this coming year.

If your content creation team outlined a few New Year’s Resolutions for your department going into 2017 (and I’m not going to say that the nDash team didn’t do the same, because we did exactly that), then here is your guide on how that resolution will not only last past February 1st but can stand a fighting chance of actually being accomplished.

The Problem with New Year’s Resolutions

What I’ve noticed is that most New Year’s Resolutions (marketing related or not), end up failing because there’s no support system for the goal (or for that individual). I’m definitely one of those people that like to believe that I can accomplish it all. However, if there isn’t a support system or if I’m not surrounded by like-minded individuals, the plan that ultimately ends up failing.

It’s important for content marketers to recognize that, in order for their goals to truly work, they not only need to be working with people that have their back. But they need a system in place that can’t be faulted by one thing going awry.

For example, let’s say you’re the only content writer at your company and that your resolution was to post 4 times per week. If you suddenly become sick, the entire marketing campaign has the potential to collapse because of your inability to churn out the content needed for your brand. In a situation such as this, it’s important that you either have the support of one or two other people in-house who are able to write content for you when your hands are tied or that you have a content community consisting of freelance writers that understand your brand and industry and can create content and generate ideas when you’re in a bind.

How to Solve that Content Creation Problem

In short, going into 2017, make sure you have the following in place so you can accomplish those marketing goals you made:

Your team is on the same page.

A lack of communication is one sure way to have a marketing goal fall through the cracks. As we begin the new year, ensure that your team is on the same page so that you can move forward in a cohesive and structured manner.

Have a backup plan.

I almost hate that I said to have a backup plan. (Really, my ego personally hates the idea of failing. But it is inevitable and a learning experience ultimately.) If something goes wrong in your company if someone leaves your team, will your goals be able to survive? While it’s great that you have that much trust between your team members, it’s also incredibly important that other individuals on your team understand all of the moving parts and will be able to get shit done if someone falls off the wagon.

Document everything.

This piggybacks off the last point I just made. It’s important to document everything that you’re doing within your marketing department. This includes creating best practices for social media and your blog. Also, creating a shared document showing current PR and content efforts. Basically, you should be creating and sharing everything that’s happening within your department amongst the internal team members. This way, everyone is accountable, stays up to speed, and can step in if something happens.

That’s all I’ve got. Really. Those three points can make it or break it for you in 2017. Remember, you can accomplish those goals when you take the strategy and embrace it as part of your daily routine. It’s all about your mindset.

Gary Vaynerchuck – who is one of my favorite entrepreneurs to watch; seriously, he’s amazing; go check him out immediately after you share this post – said, “When it comes down to it, nothing trumps execution.” Ultimately, if you want your marketing goals to succeed, you need a team to support them and execute them quickly.